Blog (369)
Please pray for my best, best friends in Texas. I saw today on the European news that IS wants to blow up 3 states in America before the elections. I don t know people in the other states, but Texas peoples are the best of America! Their big hart, Gods love, and love for my streetchildren are AMAZING ! Foodstep Uganda xn
Our little girl is doing better. She can move her arm a little bit. Please pray that she can come tommorow to our special hospital Corsu. There they do plastic surgerie, especialy on burning wounds. If you want to support financially, go to our donate-page.
Thank you soooo much! Really strange, on Thursday I took a photo of her with her new t-shirt and I think she likes orange xn
We hadden weer wat voor, (wanneer niet zegt. ) we willen een toiletblok bouwen op ons land vr de studenten. Dus werd er met de hand een put gegraven van 4 op 4m, 4 meter diep.
Vanochtend werd ik gebeld dat er een koe ingevallen was. Tja en nu? Krijg maar eens een beest van 200 kg uit een put! Bovendien had ze een gebroken poot. De enige oplossing was het dier in de put te slachten.
Ik weet best om te gaan met dode dieren en het uitbenen van vlees, maar dit....in een aarde put, onder de Afrikaanse zon, ...enfin, mijn dag begon weer goed xn
Today, 1 year ago, somebody threw a green mamba snake at me in my car. I didn't realize it would change my whole life! I was very sick, no immune system, feeling pain every day, vomiting, weakness, ...for 1 year! But today I celebrate with my family, staff and kids that I am still alive! Sorry for the ones who want to poisson, kill, abuse, burn my church, take over Foodstep,...I forgive, but I never give up!
X Nathalie , mama of maaaaaany Foodstep kids!
Many missionaries go all over the world to help spread the gospel. All over Africa, there are missionaries who moved to help out the people living there while also sharing the love of God. In Uganda, there is one extraordinary woman who is dedicated her life to taking in all orphans, including the sick and injured. Nathalie Seliffet is my hero because she is a compassionate, persevering, and fearless woman who moved with her husband to Uganda 17 years ago.
One trait I love about her is how compassionate she is. Nathalie and her husband, Werner, moved to Uganda to open a culinary school to teach kids how to cook so they could support themselves. She moved away from home to a third world country so she could help others which meant giving up her whole life for the sake of others those she would help. She gave up her dreams of being a chef and used the talents God gave her to teach kids in a third world country a life skill so they would be able to support themselves.
Soon after, she gave up those dreams to build a home for kids who were stuck in a children's prison. In my opinion, rescuing one kid is so important, but she has rescued about one hundred and six kids from the prison. She takes in traumatized, ill, and abandoned kids and helps them heal mentally and physically.
Another great trait about Nathalie is she is persevering. She gave up her great life in Belgium to dedicate her life to saving these kids. Everyday, she sees a lot of hard things, yet is courageous enough to stay there. She has nursed toddlers who were fatally injured and even has had watched a twelve year old girl die of HIV, showing that she continues to persevere through all the hard things God throws at her. She has had people try to kill her husband and destroy their projects. While she was driving, someone, whom I think was a witch doctor, threw a poisonous snake in her car and she ended up being sick for months and almost died because of the bite. A couple weeks ago, a witch doctor burned down a church they have been working hard on building.
Though she deals with all of these hardships, she never abandons her projects and kids who need her and never moves back home where it is safe.
One of my favorite trait she has is her fearlessness. She went into a witch doctor’s shack, picked up a baby who had just had both of its legs cut off, then ran because she . She ended up saving the child’s life even though the doctors said they would not make it. When she rescues these kids, she is ruining the witch doctors income, and they hate her for it and try to kill her. She got close to the Ugandan government so she could reform the children’s prison.
She will get in serious trouble if she gets caught, but is fearless enough to stay. She is verbally attacked by the government and instead of fighting back, she shows them the love God gave showed her. God gave her a fearless personality because He knew that she could be trusted to serve Him in these conditions.
Nathalie is my hero because she is a compassionate, persevering, and fearless woman who dedicates her life to saving children who are in danger and raises them in a loving home. There are others who save kids all over the world. Everyday, people serve God in every way. Because of these people, new people are being brought into the Kingdom of God everyday.
This is what a young girl, Matthy, said about me. I am so blessed. Xn
We zijn super trots op onze zoon, die zijn eigen tv-show heeft in Uganda!
Beste Sinterklaas en Piet, Ik weet niet welke kleur u nu hebt, De Sint wordt ieder jaar wat hipper, Ja,we worden altijd verwend, Ook dit jaar gaan we weer proberen, Ook dit jaar weer, kunnen mensen 1 euro doneren, Dus daarom Sint, breng genoeg pieten mee om alle spullen te dragen, We danken u alvast,voor uw grote hart, Groetjes,
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