
Blog (345)

Thursday, 30 April 2020 13:34

Bad day

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Today a ? day!
Lost car key!
No fuel!
Flat car battery!
Found abounded child of 1 year old who has the weight of a 5 month old child!
Police stopped me 3 times, even with army guns!
Cat of my sister died!
So I need a prayer, white wine and a sponsor for my wonderfull, beautifull new son Prince xn

Thursday, 30 April 2020 13:28


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Today we brought Angala to Corsu hospital. Tomorrow he will have surgery on his leg. Please pray for him. x foodstep Uganda xn

Thursday, 30 April 2020 13:20

We are ok!

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We are ok! Werner and Nathalie, Maxim and Sheilla, all our Foodstep Uganda kids and staff.



Sunday, 19 April 2020 13:47

Kids are doing ok

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Kids in Foodstep are ok. Xn

Sunday, 19 April 2020 13:42

Grand daughter

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Today one of my Foodstep grand children died. RiP my beautiful grand daughter Jaja.

Sunday, 12 April 2020 09:19


Dear friends and Foodstep family, we hope you are all okay and safe during this difficult time of the COVID 19 . We are pleased to inform you that all our kids are safe and sound and all the necessary precautions are being taken to ensure that the kids are healthy. We have amazing staff that are dedicated and well informed about the virus. They are all therefore quarantined with the kids and do not leave the Foodstep premises.

With the lockdown in place, it has been difficult for us to fully cater for our kids, like those who need to go to hospitals often for check ups/ our kids with HIV. Items like hand sanitisers, soap, disinfectants, medical supplies and even food may run out now that all our children are back from school unexpectedly.Therefore your continued support in donations would be greatly appreciated in order to accommodate the children during this pandemic. As of now, we all don’t know how long this may go on for but our faith in God assures us that this will come to pass soon. For now, let us continue to stay safe and support each other however best we can.

Sunday, 12 April 2020 09:18


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Why do I need to explain our nursery kids, we can t go for village walk?
Why does little Steven, don t understand i am not alloud to hug him?
Why does my baby boy, Godfread, can t be kissed?
Why does my secundairy kids, have no home school true computer, like in Europe?
Why we often have no water, to wash our hands and clothes?
Why are supermarket closed, we need food for 86 kids and staff, who are locked down!
Some kids need to go to hospital. Especialy our HIV kids!
Why don t we get a sticker? So we can drive a car?
All banks are closed. So how do we pay for food, medical care, fuel, ....?
Our kids and staff don t have social media. A newspaper and radio , is there only connection with the world.
Why could my familie, for Easter, not come to see us......?

Monday, 06 April 2020 19:42

Corona in Uganda

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Corona virus in Uganda cry


Thursday, 26 March 2020 15:34


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My best friends,
Foodstep is fine! Our staff stays inside, kids are all in the Home. Of course we need much more food, medical care, hand sanitation, soap, desinfection,
We got inspection from the health ministry. At this moment we can't allow our friends or visitors to come in at Foodstep.
We mis you all !! How long it will take....? No idea. But you may know we all pray for you. God is in controle ! Werner, me and our son Maxim stay in Uganda. The last airplain left last week. Don t worry...again God is in controle! Please pray for us. Also extra sponsoring would be amazing xn