Where is Foodstep Uganda located.

The Home Coming project is located at Abaita Ababiri (Nkumba Central), nearby Entebbe Airport. We found and bought a piece of land with 6 living spaces in 1 building. Each space has his own lavatory and shower.
Here we accommodate all our girls, babies and our small clinic. Shortly after we were able to buy the 3 adjacent pieces of land. On one of them we build a beautiful African dining room, a large kitchen with washing facility and an office where the staff can do the administration.

On the second piece of land, we build a terrain for the kids with a playground, seating area and so on ... The 3rd piece of land got a beautiful dormitory, sanitary and a sports field. Also the driving lane that connects these 4 pieces of land is property od Foodstep Uganda. The whole area is fenced and we have 5 guards on watch (day and night).

In 2014 Foodstep has bought a piece of land at Lake Victoria. Here we would love to put up a hotel-restaurant-school so our children here also can have an education and a job. 
Already a work in progress.


Project "The Homecoming"

A home for every child


Rehabilitation Centre


Every gift saves a life.