Monday, 31 July 2017 20:05

Newsletter July

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Dear friends,

Another newsletter from Uganda.

As you already know, there is never a dull moment at Foodstep. Recently, our social workers have been extremely busy with registering with all our children. In Europe, registration happens at birth, but it is no so over here. It has been a tremendous job, as most of our children do not even know who their parents are or where they come from. Let alone that they remember the name of their father or mother….! Therefore, Werner and I have now become the official parents of nine children! We have signed their birth certificates at the office of the probation officer of the Wakiso district. Our family keeps growing… ?

But there have also been children who have left our Foodstep nest. They passed their exams and some of them already found a job! Their graduation was one big party and of course we were EXTREMELY proud of them! It is amazing to see and to realize how these young adults, who once came to Foodstep as injured, deserted and neglected small creatures, have turned into self-assured, responsible, healthy and loving young adults. It was only last week that Hannah opened up her own shop! Isn’t that wonderful?

As before, Foodstep was present at the Day of the African Child. Our acrobatics team even performed for the Minister of Education and Child Welfare. Also, our Patrick was one of the speakers at the Children’s Parliament. This year’s subject was 'children in conflict with the law'. You could have heard a pin drop when he talked about his time at the children’s prison. Especially now that he has graduated and received a diploma for secondary education.

And of course, there were more building activities!

In Kampiringisa, together with the Minister, we did lay the first stone for our girl’s building. Being able, after so many years of talks, negotiations and meetings, to finally get these signatures was a truly memorable occasion. And to see our name at the entrance of the building even more so! The girls are very much looking forward to having a pace of their own!

On our land too, we had two new building projects going on. A toilet building, so the students from our vocational school will no longer have to use the bushes for their sanitary stops. 

And a large chicken coop, with a hen house and some chickens have been realized by our children. Every weekend, they work in our garden, mow the lawn, sow and harvest vegetables and take care of our animals. Our land looks so beautiful right now! 

Werner’s health has improved and he is doing very well. We still love each other very much, even after 27 years. What more could we wish for!

We wish you a very good Summer, hope you had lots of fun at the annual Foodstep Uganda BBQ and goodbye from all of us!


Big kiss,

Nathalie Seliffet

Read 966 times Last modified on Monday, 31 July 2017 20:14
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