Thursday, 22 March 2018 09:51

Newsletter March

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Dear Foodstep friends,

At last I have found some time to write you all a new Foodstep newsletter. We have been extremely busy, in many good ways! During the summer holidays (Christmas time on the other side of the Equator) many children went to visit their families. Some of them stayed on with their relatives after the holidays. The Ugandan government prefers to have as little as possible children in Homes. In fact, they would prefer to close all Homes. Fortunately, we work closely together with the Child Protection Services, the police and the local Courts of Justice. Our children are with us at Foodstep for a very good reason: they are unable to live with their families because of serious circumstances. We will keep you posted you personally!

This month, you will receive another update and a recent picture of your child at Foodstep. They are all doing so well! I still enjoy going to work every day of the week. My staff and the children, together they have become my family in Africa… what else could I wish for!
And we continue to build and restore. The entire boys’ dorm has been completely renovated. New floors, newly stuccoed and painted walls, new beds, new matrasses, new gutters on the roof… the boys are ready to go!
We also had the grand opening of our beautiful hair dressing salon. Some of our children received their diplomas in medical pedicure. Do call for an appointment at any time!

A very big and heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors. Thanks to you, we have realized yet another hope-giving project for our children!
And what else…. we had medical worries and we received a lot of medical care…. All babies have been inoculated. Three children have undergone major leg surgery. We have some new ‘found’ and neglected babies and infants. I am very happy to inform you that all went very well and that our new children are settling in.

There is a new swing at the playground, a new roof at the class room, we have new teachers, new children, new plans… even after 10 years in Uganda I am still very much enjoying all our challenges!
Thank you once again for all the loving support you give us.
X Nathalie Seliffet and all children at Foodstep

Read 1008 times Last modified on Thursday, 22 March 2018 09:59